DISC, a division of Oliver, Inc. and a leading source of creative packaging solutions for 50 years, has been awarded the Best Workplace in the Americas (BWA) and Safety Shield designations for 2019 to recognize the company’sexemplary human resource practices that create an outstanding workplace. For nearly 20 years, Printing Industries of America’s BWA program has acted as an acknowledgment of printing industry excellence in human resources practices.
A panel of respected human relations professionals from the print industry judged entrants against benchmarking categories that promote the most sought-after qualities of today’s workforce, including Communication & Culture, Employee Resources & Benefits, and Work Environment & Safety. Additionally, those awarded a Safety Shield designation were evaluated on OSHA compliance and best safety practices for the printing industry.
“This marks the 16th year that we have been awarded this honor, which includes 8 years during that time with a Best of the Best designation,” said Diane Ferrante, director of human
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resources of DISC. “It’s an honor to be recognized by the industry as a company that offers a superior workplace, which this year includes the Safety Shield award that acknowledges our safety efforts and initiatives.” Michael Makin, president and CEO of Printing Industries of America agrees. “Companies recognized in the Best Workplace in the Americas program exhibit the highest commitment to success in many ways, but particularly through their employees. Congratulations to DISC.”
For information on DISC’s products, processes and services, visit www.discgraphics.com.